15 Best Instagram Apps Every Marketer Should Have
As an online marketer, you need to play your cards well to beat the online competition. Instagram is one amazing social media platform on which you can advertize your products without incurring much.
As an Instagram marketer, you need some awesome apps that will make your work easier and draw traffic to your website. Video apps, photo-editing apps, analytic apps, content apps, etc are some of what you should have.
Looking for Instagram App suggestions for your marketing? Here is a compilation of the best apps. Read on.
1. Layout
As an Instagram marketer, you need some awesome apps that will make your work easier and draw traffic to your website. Video apps, photo-editing apps, analytic apps, content apps, etc are some of what you should have.
Looking for Instagram App suggestions for your marketing? Here is a compilation of the best apps. Read on.
1. Layout

This is a photo-editing Instagram app that lets you create collages of your products for display. You can combine up to 9 pictures using different templates. It also allows you to pick, edit, and share individual photos.
Layout App has fantastic features that allow you to add filters, adjust the contrast, crop, and mix your photos before sharing.

It is both a photo and video editing app that gives you everything you need as a marketer. With clients searching for pictures worth looking at, VSCO makes it possible. It has tools that let you change the contrast, saturation, and add filters.
Depending on how you want your photos to be, you can choose among the many features available.
3. Boomerang

For short videos that will excite your customers, Boomerang is the real deal. It permits you to create short videos, about two or more seconds long. You can combine about 10 photos in one video and the outcome is really appealing.
You just need to tap your screen with the camera facing the product you want to film and you’ll have your video.
4. Hyperlapse

Moving time-lapse videos can never go wrong. They create an excellent view of your products, enabling the customer to see the details. Hyperlapse App lets you create such videos that can last up to 45 minutes, depending on the length you want. Hyperlapse videos are a perfect way of catching your prospective clients’ attention.
5. Follow Meter

As an Instagram marketer, you need to track the performance of your page. How many people unfollowed you? Which post had the highest engagement rate? Follow Meter is an app that enables you to monitor the activities of your page.
It lets you see how many people viewed your post and generally how much traffic you are receiving. The results from this can help you make changes on your marketing strategies.
6. Command

This is an analytic tool that literally ranks the performance of your page. It allows you to track your competitors virtually and also create new networks on Instagram.
Command app also tracks your performance hourly and shows you the statistics. What stands out is that the app also gives you a report card showing how your page is doing in the competition. It also gives you ideas of how to improve performance.
15 Best Instagram Apps Every Marketer Should Have
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